Medicating Your Bees in North Alabama

This is not a recommendation to use chemicals in your hives but a guideline on how to treat and what chemical to use if you opt to do so.   If you prefer not to use chemicals in your hive you can goggle Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and find the schedule that suits your operation.

Click here for a disease symptom chart that will assist you in identifying suspected diseases.

Under normal circumstances treat for the following diseases in Fall and or spring as shown however if infection levels indicate the need, treat as required for the disease or pest you have in spring as well.

The Alabama State Department of Agriculture and Industries has a very strong Apiary section.    If any member of their staff advises different from this page, treat per their instructions.    It is imperative that you follow all manufacturer’s recommendations when applying medication including handling and protective devices.   It is the intent of this Webpage to do just that.    In the event of conflict in any manor between the manufacturer’s recommendations and this webpage regarding application of medication always use the manufacturer’s recommendations.

FallSpringTreat for the following diseases/pest
X*X*American Foul Brood and European Foul Brood
X Nosema Apis and Nosema Ceranae
X Tracheal Mites
X Varroa Mites
Click HereClick HereSmall Hive Beetle
Table of Needed Treatments by Season

* Effective Jan 1, 2017, Bob Fanning stated that he has no idea how he will treat to prevent AFB.   See treating options below.

Personally, I use 2 Apistan strips for Varroa mites in the fall, 1 bag of Menthol for Tracheal mites in the fall and 3 treatments in both fall and in spring using Terra-Pro (Terramycin) for AFB and EFB (no longer an option – see item 1 below).   For Small Hive Beetles, I use Beetle Barns between the inner and outer cover all year with a suitable chemical to kill SHB.  It is good practice to use a different chemical occasionally so as to kill any pest or disease that may be becoming resistant to your normal chemicals.     To that end, in the fall of 2014, I used Apivar strips (Amitraz) on half of my colonies.     Apivar was very effective, so I treated in the fall of 2015 with Apivar exclusively and will continue to do for a few years.    

Bob Fanning

Treatment Options

  1. American Foul Brood (AFB)
  2. European Foul Brood (EFB)
  3. Nosema Apis
  4. Nosema Ceranae
  5. Tracheal Mites
  6. Varroa Destructor
  7. Small Hive Beetles (SHB)