Pick any one but do not use all listed options.
Vegetable oil patty (also called Crisco® Patty)
- Mix 5 lbs. of granulated (or powdered) sugar with 2 lbs. Crisco® shortening.
- Form into patties (approx. 1 oz.) and place on top bars of brood chamber.
- Vegetable Oil patties can be used at any time provided only sugar and vegetable oil are included, i.e. no Terramycin.
Terramycin Patties
Note: Terrymicin can not be purchased or used after 1 Jan 2017 without a VFD.
- Terramycin can be added to the above Crisco® Patty at a rate of 6.4 oz of TM-25 to a the Crisco® patty described above.
- Or premixed patties “Terra-Patties” can be purchased from Mann Lake Ltd and applied the same as for Crisco® patties
- However I find it works best to cut the Terramycin patties in 3/8 in strips and place the strips on top of the spaces between the top bars in the brood chamber being careful not to block all spaces needed for bees to move up and down. Use 1 full pattie pre hive.
- Place one 50 gram packets (1.8 oz.) of Menthol crystals on the top bars of the top most box if temp is below 80° F on bottom board if above 80° F.
- If on top bars, for better circulation of fumes, first place the menthol then a wood bound queen excluder, then the inner cover (deep side down).
- Normally place menthol bag in the hive in the fall and remove it in the spring.
Miteaway II (Formic Acid)
- Do not breaths Formic Acid fumes. Do not allow Formic Acid to come in contact with eyes or skin. Handle with Nitrile gloves or equal and wear a respirator when handling Miteaway II.
- Miteaway II treats for both Tracheal and Varroa mites at the same time.
- Place 2 – ¼ inch square sticks on top bars (about 4 inches apart).
- Place Formic pad (ventilated side down) on the 2 sticks.
- Add a 1 inch spacer rim.
- Replace inner cover.
- Remove after 21 days.
- Click here for a manufacturers data sheet on the proper handling, application and disposol af Mitaway II
- Apiguard treats for both Tracheal and Varroa Mites at the same time.
- Use Apiguard when the colony is active and when temperatures are above 15°C/60°F.
- Open one Apiguard tray.
- Put the tray on top of the brood frame gel side up.
- Replace with a second tray after two weeks.
- The treatment lasts about 4-6 weeks.
- Click here for Manufacturer’s instructions on the application of Apiguard and here for a YouTube video.