(Amended 20 Sept 2009)
Article I
This Association shall be known as the Madison County Beekeepers Association.
Article II
The object of this Association shall be to assist in checking the spread of bee diseases, to spread information concerning improved methods of production, to secure recognition of the industry at state and county fairs; to inform the public as to the value of honey as food, of the importance of the business of honey production and the value of bees to other crops; and to elevate the business of beekeeping to a place of eminence among agricultural activities.
Article III
The membership of this Association shall be composed of individual beekeepers that desire to join with the Madison County Beekeepers Association in a united effort to accomplish its objectives. Membership in the Association, unless otherwise specified, requires the annual payment of dues. Dues are payable anytime annually but are effective from May 1 to the following April 30th. Members current in their dues are entitled to one vote. Family membership is offered but still is bound by the restriction of one member current in dues has one vote. More than one family member may pay dues and thereby become entitled to one vote also. Any Member delinquent in their dues is not entitled to vote nor become a candidate for any Office.
Article IV
The management of this Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors that shall consist of seven or more active members of the Association, including the President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Association who shall be ex officio (non voting) members of the Board of Directors and shall act respectively as Chairman and Secretary of this Board. In the event of a tie vote, the President will cast the deciding vote. Two new board members will be elected each year for a term of 3 years.
The current President of the Alabama Beekeeping Association shall be invited to serve as an ex officio member of the Madison County Beekeepers Association (will not be required to pay dues).
Four voting members shall constitute a quorum.
Article V
The Association shall hold meetings at a time and place fixed by the Board of Directors of the Association.
Article VI
The officers of this Association shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Board of Directors. The election of all officers of the Association shall be held on the regular scheduled meeting in July of each year and the term of office shall commence immediately following their election and shall continue until their successors are elected. Candidates for offices of President and Vice President as well as Members of the Board must be current in their dues and either present or retired beekeepers that have demonstrated the ability and knowledge to successfully maintain colonies of honeybees.
Article VII
These Articles may be altered or the Constitution amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose.